Working directly with Overall VFX supervisor Steve Begg, with postvis supervision throughout production. Alongside providing senior data wrangling we also delivered over 175 finals including monitor replacements, rig removals and respeeds.
Using CG models to layout shots, we completed temps on the Day of the Dead Helicopter chase, Landrover/snowplane chase in Austria, gecko and mouse animation and many more.

Overall Supervisor Steve Begg interviewed on
"The Helicopter Sequence was also heavily prevised as I had always intended to shoot the more dangerous stunts over an airfield a hundred miles south of the Zócalo square in Mexico City, and replace the airfield with our CG Zócalo square, which we did. The previs helped Sam understand this technique in a much clearer way. Postvis supervised by Matt Tinsley was used extensively during the shoot to fill in greenscreen holes and to clarify our VFX intentions for later on.”